Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Your Guide To Better Dog Care

Inadequate grooming does not maintain a healthy coat .A Daily and Weekly
grooming routine is essential.

Pets rely on us to help them maintain optimum health care

Lack of regular grooming results in skin problems, eye problems and ear problems

Mats that are allowed to form in the coat pull on the skin and inhibit air flow. This
creates a moisture imbalance. This condition allows for yeast, bacteria and
and fleas to make themselves at home in your dog’s fur.

Excessive hair growth in the ears causes yeast and bacteria. Many pet owners
do not include ear cleaning in their regular grooming routine. This can lead to costly
vet bills.

Hair allowed to grow around the eyes leads to conjunctivitis. And eventual blindness.

Brushing two or three times a week alleviates many of these problems.

Combing with a good Flea Comb combats flea problems.

In the summer months most long haired breeds benefit from a full body shave. This
procedure helps combat skin irritations such as Hot Spots

And finally every Good Dog deserves a doggie massage.

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